When I procrastinate….I eat!
When I am frustrated…I eat!
When I am stressed…I eat!
When I don’t feel well…I eat!
It is so NOT about the food for me, this is about my mind! When my mind is unsettled for ANY reason, I have been finding comfort in food. So my ass (and boobs and belly) have all grown and my unsettled remains. Guess this plan is not working! I have tired several things, other than food over the years (more on that later) but today’s beast that must be tamed is my mind and how I use food try and find comfort. I need to find a better way but I suspect I might be buried in my grumpy pants for the new few days as I start the process of breaking up with Little Debbie, telling the Keebler Elves they are evicted from the pantry and give my “I will be seeing you so much less” speech to my lovely boys, Jack, Jim and Captain (Daniels, Beam and Morgan)!
Welcome to the circus!